Welcome to Ruby on Rails Backend Class Lesson 5.1. In this unit you will learn:
This is your curriculum for Lesson 5.1:
**5.1.1 REST Introduction and Authentication
5.1.2 More REST for CRUD Operations
5.1.3 Adding Rspec and Swagger
The git repository with the starter Rails application for this lesson is here. This is a long and somewhat difficult assignment. You will create three branches of this repository for the three parts of this lesson, a rest-authentication branch for your initial REST API on authentication work, a more-rest branch for adding CRUD operations, and, adding to that work, a swagger branch to add Swagger. In a later lesson, you will create a fetch branch as well. You should do a pull request for each of the branches. You create each branch when the previous branch is active, so that your work builds on the earlier branches.
Your mindset curriculum assignment FOR WEEK 12 can be found here.
Your mindset curriculum assignment FOR WEEK 13 can be found here.