Welcome to Ruby on Rails Back End Class Lesson 4.1. The Treehouse Rails sequence omits some of the key skills needed to develop a production Rails application. The following skills will be presented in this lesson:
This is your curriculum for Lesson 4.1:
4.1.1 Rails Basic Skills: Byebug
4.1.2 Rails Basic Skills: Exception Handling
4.1.3 Rails Basic Skills: Validation
4.1.4 Rails Basic Skills: Error Handling
The git repository with the starter Rails application for your assignment is here. You will also use this repository in Lessons 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. The work for this lesson should be done in a git branch called validations. You will make another git branch from the validations branch for the next lesson 4.2, calling the new branch rspec, and you will also create new branches for lessons 4.3 and 4.4.
Your mindset curriculum assignment can be found here.